Saturday 21 February 2015

Seasonal Friendships.

Haaaaaalo and ..
Welcome to    'M O M E N TS  W I TH OH-R eH!'
I just ran that in my head as though I have my own tv show, hahaa
Did you picture that??  

No  ?

Oh :/ .. I guess I'm in one of my 'unique' zones.

Since you didn't get it, I shall get back to the reason why I'm here.

To talk about S E A S O N A L   F R I E N D S H I P S.

I find it rather strange when I look back on how some of my friendships have gone from '100 to 0'.
When I say '100 to 0', I mean those friends to whom I was REALLY close with a couple months/years or even weeks ago but today we only say the occasional 'hello' 'hi' 'bye' or don't even speak to each other. Not because of betrayal but it just happened like so. Weird huh?!. I'm a 1001% sure this has happened to you before.  
Your previous 'ride or die' has now become the regular Tom, Dick & Harry to you. 

I pondered on this for a while,
then it dawned on me .  .  .

       As SEASONS come and go, so do friends.

 'There is a time to hug someone and a time to stop holding so tightly'                                   - Ecclesiastes 3:5 (ERV)
I only discovered this version of this particular verse some days ago, and boy oh boy I do love the bible. Need I say more??

Don't be offended if we aren't as close anymore or perhaps you're not as close to that person you once called 'bestfriend'.
The truth of the matter is, the season to which you were needed in their life is most likely over hence why you grew apart..

That HURT right?
But it's the truth.

If you're going through this presently and are unsure of what to do perhaps because it hurts not being as close to that person as you were before then PRAY. Prayer is everything. Also THINK, think very well.

As the bible says, 'there is a time to hug someone and a time to stop holding so tight'.
Perhaps it's time to stop holding onto him/her so tight. You just might never know. 

Don't force that friendship my brother!

God bless you all.

Before I leave, imma leave you all with a current favourite song of mine. I just had to.
My playlist is ever changing so Enjoy.

                        Katapot by Reekado Banks

Peace, love & Moi moi 
P.S. I made moi moi today *backflips* or beans cake as my 'english' people will call it so recipe soon come.
If you don't know what that is, google it.


Thursday 12 February 2015


The first 'Current Favourites' post!!

YAAAAAAAAY!! I'm sticking with the plan. Thank God.

Here are a few songs that have been on repeat for days now.

Enjoy & update your playlist :D


                                Twale by Flo
I came across this song unexpectedly and I'm glad I did.
I absolutely LOVE IT!! It's a great worship song that always moves my spirit. The lyrics are just MWAH! Just incase you were wondering, 'Twale' means Respect I believe. 

                          Godwin by Korede Bello
I love me some Korede Bello!! Can't believe He is only 17 rn. Such amazing talent!! I don't think I'm a fully fledged #BELLOVER yet hahaa. It's the message behind the song that attracts me. Every truimph you experience, na GODWIN over that matter.
I DON BECOME DOCTOR, GODWIN!! Amen ooo .. 5.5 years and counting :D

                             Awww by Di'ja
Ever since her part in Mavins Dorobucci, I've been on the look out for her!     I like that she has a unique style which works for her. This song has CUUUUTEEEE written all over it especially for all my  lovers out there haha, enjoy! 

Aye Dun by Wande Coal
This was the first song I listened to this year 2015. I rinsed it out for the first week this year & I still love it!! 

My Darlin' by Tiwa Savage
This was a huge favourite of mine last year. I remember when I heard the song for the first time, I wasn't feeling it but when the video came out,     I fell in love! I practically watched the video every day when it came out. I don't watch it everyday rn .. ain't nobady got time for that. But I still love it! 

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Planning Ahead.

It's a new month.

Hope your year has been great so far? 
If not, miracles do happen and we still have 10 months to go by God's Grace so chin up!

Just felt to drop a little something here & share with you some plans I have for my blog in future. 
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! *excited grin* 
This is going to be a long post so drink some water to swallow it all down, hahaaha.


       ''. . . . write the vision, make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it''
                                                                  - Habakkuk 2 vs 2 (KJV)

- this scripture tells me to write my vision; i.e. write down my dreams, goals, aspirations.

- make it plain; i.e. as clear and specific as possible with direction.

- that I may run when I read it; i.e. when I think about the goals I have inscribed on paper or mentally, I am encouraged & determined to run towards achieving it by overcoming all distractions and focusing solely on it.

Now, don't we just love the bible? 

this is my interpretation & I believe it applies to YOU too.                  Write your vision, be specific and clear about it then work towards it.

With all that I have mentioned about writing your vision down, remember to entrust them in the hands of God so that He ALONE can direct your path. NOT your parents, society or friends!

It's important to do this because 'your thoughts are not God's thoughts, neither are your ways/plans His ways/plans' - Isaiah 55 vs 8

Now this doesn't mean you shouldn't plan ahead. PLAN! PLAN!! PLAN!! but whilst you do that let God in.

And even if you may have written that dream down, planned, prayed about it & it still looks bleak then know for sure that despite the present uncertainty your future will still be bright because .... 'God knows the plans He has for you. He has good plans, not to hurt you but to give you hope and a good future'                                                      - Jeremiah 29 vs 11.


P L A N N I N G   A H E A D on moments with oh-reh.

Now if you've read 'the ore' section of my blog, I said I hope to share my interests i.e. fashion, food, music with you all.

Well I haven't done much of that & God willing I plan to start doing a bit of that here & there from now on. My university schedule is packed but all work and no play makes ........ (fill in the dots intelligent people).
So when I'm able to take pictures I'll upload them.

I also want to begin my make-up journey. Like be able to do my make-up to a very high standard. I can do my brows & the other basics but I want to branch out a bit more and also try out different products & styles. High end products especially... my bank account willing lol.
So I will be sharing my 'make-ups' progress with you all...

Also plan to update you on some of my favourites ranging from music to wardrobe items from time to time..

There's more to come but I shall start gradually.

thanks for reading.

Till next post my loves xo

Friday 9 January 2015

you are NOT an accident.

I came across this poem in a book.
Thought I'd share it with you.


You are who you are for a reason.
You’re part of an intricate plan.
You’re a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God’s special woman or man.

You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You’re just what He wanted to make.

The parents you had were the ones He chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with God’s plan in mind,
And they bear the Master’s seal.

No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into His likeness you’d grow.

You are who you are for a reason,
You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!

                 - RUSSELL KELFER

Ponder on it.
I shall leave you with this scripture:

'Before I formed you in the womb I knew 
[and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], 
and before you were born I separated and set you apart, 
consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations'                - Jeremiah1:5 (AMP)

Happy New Year.
Remain Blessed x