Tuesday 19 March 2013

Is it a NEED or just a WANT?

Recently, I found myself saying things like:
''I need a cream blouse'' 
''I need a clutch bag'' 
''I need a pair of wedges''

After saying all these and much more, the next thing I asked myself was,
 'Ore, do you really need a pair of wedges or do you just want a pair?'

Notice the two words I have underlined above: need and want.

Is there really a difference between these two words?
Are they synonyms so therefore can they be used interchangeably?

NO! NO!! NO!!!
There is a BIG difference and they CANNOT be used interchangeably.

Okay then you probably ask, what is a need?
A need is a necessity.
A necessity is something that is indispensable - crucial, of paramount importance and is incapable of being neglected.

And what is a want?
A want is a feel, a desire, a wish or a craving for something.

So, I don't need a clutch bag or a pair of wedges, neither do I need a cream blouse. I only wish for/desire them.

Therefore using the words need or want interchangeably becomes a misconception of our priorities.

A need that is common to us all is: food, water and shelter.
These are often said to be the basic necessities of life. 
After this, the remaining things/people in your need list become personal to you.

So remember, if you can live without it then you probably don't need it.
You only want it.

Right about now, I will say shikena but you won't understand unless you're fully Nigerian.                      ( I mean flesh and blood )

But still, SHIKENA!! :)

Till next time lovelies x

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Opportunity comes once in a lifetime.

So, I had to deliver a one minute speech at school about a topic of my choice in front of my year group.


But I did it!!

People that know me know that I can be very shy, laid back and quiet.
This was a real challenge for me and I'm happy I went for it. 

No regrets!!

Right, let me go straight to my point.
I just want to share with you the speech I delivered as it's something I believe we all need to hear.

It's about opportunities.
Here it goes . . .

'LOOK if you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted - just one moment. 
Would you capture it, or would you let it slip?
Free education is one opportunity we all have in common.
You might not think it's an opportunity but think about people in other countries  who aren't as privileged as you. 
They aren't complaining, yet with the little chance they have, they work hard and still make something out of themselves.

So what about us?
What excuses do we have? We have all our opportunities set in front of us on a platter of gold.
Yet it baffles me how we sometimes think it's 'ok' to let them slip!

My advice to you all will be to capture the opportunity the school, government or any body else offers you because you never know where it may lead.
The only thing stopping YOU from making the most out of your opportunities is YOURSELF. 
So DON'T limit yourself; as they say, opportunity comes once in a lifetime.

Before I take my seat, I've got one thing to say which I hope you take away from this speech.
So here it goes ... 
You only get one shot so make it count because you may never get this moment again.'

Giving speeches might not be your cup of tea.
But whatever it is, PUSH YOURSELF.
Don't let your weakness be a barrier.

Challenge yourself and trust me, you'll be glad you did.


Friday 1 March 2013


Just wanted to share something I read a while back with you.

It's probably something you've heard enough times.

It's all about TIMING.
Timing! Timing!! Timing!!!

I happened to come across something during one of my devotionals which said 'to get the best out of life, you must operate daily with a sense of time'.

Timing is extremely important; it is either NOW or NEVER; not LATER but NOW.

There is a time for everything, and everything on Earth has its special season according to Ecclesiastes 3:1 in the bible

Procrastination is something we've all done at one point.
I still do it sometimes.
But it's not safe, it only brings anxiety, uneasiness and unsteadiness.
I mean there is nothing stopping you from getting your work over and done with right NOW!

The final part of my devotional said, 'every second or minute you waste today will become wasted years tomorrow'. 

I remember when I was young, my mummy used to say, 'tick says the clock tick tick, what you have to do, do quick'. So ladies and gents, try to use your time effectively, you can achieve something that will change your destiny for the best in such a small space of time.

This is something I need to work on aswell.

Okay, you can rush off to finish your work NOW!
Thanks for spending a few seconds to read this post.

Till next time :]